“I hold up a mirror to the participants of my training courses by confronting them with the consequences of their own actions in a realistic and pleasant way.”

My courses have less to do with the principles of theory than they do with their practical application, this means you’ll learn how to act effectively in many different situations, according to your own ideas and insights. I teach people how to tap into their talents, communicate with awareness, and how to use this to achieve maximum effects in a work situation.

As a role-play actor, I act and coach role-play in communication training courses. I work on a one-to-one basis, building on real work situations, which enables participants to clearly identify the effects of their own personal behaviour, and learn how to limit or prevent less desirable, behaviour in others.

Based on various practical skills, and insights in communication techniques, participants in my training courses can experience how these work for them. In this way, everybody can discover for themselves what will work best in their own work environment.